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Employee Spotlight - Mandi

Employee Spotlight - Mandi

Time for another Employee Spotlight! Today we're spotlighting Mandi, our Accounting Manager. Mandi has been with us for over 5 years and is an integral part of the team! Below Mandi has answered some questions so you can get to know her better.

How long have you been with Window Repair Systems?

5 1/2 years

Explain your role at WRS.

Business office management

What do you like most about WRS?

WRS is a family-oriented company

In your mind, what are three words that describe WRS?

Service-oriented, Driven, Integrity

What is your least favorite food?


How do you balance your career at WRS and family?

WRS makes it easy to balance with their hours of operation and flexibility

What is your favorite movie of all time?

Any movie with Will Ferrell in it!

What would be the name of your autobiography?

Landing on my feet

When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time?

On the rare chance that I have free time, nap!

Any random facts you could share with us?

I'm a Navy veteran

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