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Employee Spotlight - Rhonda

Employee Spotlight - Rhonda

For this week's Employee Spotlight we're highlighting Rhonda Moss, Purchasing and Research Manager! Below Rhonda is over purchasing and helps with researching new parts and vendors. Below Rhonda has answered some questions so you can get to know her a little better.

How long have you been with Window Repair Systems?

Since October of 2015

Explain your role at WRS.

As purchasing and research manager, I am over ordering any supplies needed for service jobs and customer as well as finding new products and vendors.

What do you like most about WRS?

This is a great place to work in general. We have a great team and work well together along with the owners being great to work for.

In your mind, what are three words that describe WRS?

Reliable, Innovative, Resourceful

People would be surprised if they knew:

I have a green thumb and several hundred plants between my home and greenhouse.

What is your least favorite food?


How do you balance your career at WRS and family?

Luckily my child is grown which makes it easier than having young children. 

What is your favorite movie of all time?

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

What would be the name of your autobiography?

SC Plant Geek

When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time?

Reading articles, working in the greenhouse, or watching TV. 

Any random facts you could share with us?

There is a fruit that tastes like chocolate pudding. Black Sapote native to South and Central America tastes like chocolate pudding when ripe. 

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