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  • A Complete Guide to Diagnosing Window Problems and Determining Necessary Repairs
    March 24, 2023

    A Complete Guide to Diagnosing Window Problems and Determining Necessary Repairs

    Windows are an essential component of any building, whether residential or commercial. They allow for natural light and ventilation, as well as offering a view of the outdoors. However, over time, windows may develop problems that affect their functionality and aesthetics. It is important to diagnose these problems early and determine the necessary repairs to prevent further damage or the need for costly replacements. In this article, we will explore how to diagnose window problems and determine the repairs needed.
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  • How to Replace Internal Tilt Latches in Your Windows: A Step-by-Step Guide
    March 1, 2023

    How to Replace Internal Tilt Latches in Your Windows: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Internal tilt latches are a commonly found component in windows, particularly double-hung windows. They enable the window sash to be tilted inwards easily for cleaning or ventilation purposes. However, prolonged use or damage can lead to problems with the latches, making it challenging to operate the window. In such instances, it may be necessary to replace the internal tilt latches to restore optimal functionality. Here is a professional guide on how to replace internal tilt latches in your windows.
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  • 5 Common Window Problems and their Affordable Solutions - A Guide for Homeowners
    February 22, 2023

    5 Common Window Problems and their Affordable Solutions - A Guide for Homeowners

    Windows are a crucial part of our homes and buildings. They bring in natural light, provide fresh air, and keep us comfortable by keeping the heat in. But, like all things, windows can have problems that can affect their look, functionality, and energy efficiency. In this article, we'll talk about some of the most common window problems and what you can do to fix them.
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  • Window Repair Safety Tips: A Humorous Guide to DIY Window Repairs
    February 17, 2023

    Window Repair Safety Tips: A Humorous Guide to DIY Window Repairs

    We all love a good DIY project, especially when it comes to fixing up our homes. However, when it comes to window repair, it's important to take a step back and think about safety first. After all, you don't want to end up like that cat who tried to fix a window screen and ended up stuck halfway through (true story, google it). So, before you grab your toolkit and climb that ladder, here are some window repair safety tips that will have you chuckling and secure.
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